October 07, 2024
Employee Feedback and Scooter Policy
We want your input! MGBW places a great deal of importance on employee feedback and ensuring each individual feels heard. Submit your thoughts in the suggestion box located by the timeclocks or online for your voice to be heard by Todd.
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Riding Scooters Not Permitted in the Yard
While MGBW encourages alternative ways to commute to work, electric scooters are NOT allowed to be operated in the yard due to safety reasons.
Please WALK your e-scooters when entering the yard gates to avoid it being removed from the premises all together.
Employee Feedback Regarding Scooter Policy:
Question: I heard the reason why we can no longer use scooters is because they are unsafe. But any vehicle in the yard can be unsafe if going at high speeds. Some people use electric bikes, regular bikes, and golf carts. Scooters are made to go fast BUT they have speed limiters designed into them to go slow. Using a scooter helps my body from being exhausted and to do my job faster. I fail to see the logic or reasoning behind this scooter policy. Please help me understand it.
Answer: Thank you for such a well written email voicing your concerns and questions for why a policy like this is in place. Feedback like this helps as we roll out future policies which may need further explanation like this one did. However, bottom-line, there is a lot of data to support the dangers of e-scooters. We agree, it’s the rider, not the device. Since we are limited on resources to monitor traffic in the yard, the policy stands. We appreciate your desire to work faster, but safety is more important than speed.