August 19, 2021
Chula Vista Editorial CoverageMarine Group Boat Works Celebrates Safety Award with Ribeye Steaks!
Our commitment to safety doesn’t go unnoticed – in fact, it won us a competitive Safety Award for the second time by the nation’s largest workers comp insurance company (American Equity Underwriters). The 2020 AEU Safety Award was presented to Marine Group Boat Works this year due to our low numbers of worker accidents as well as other safety related metrics. This took the effort of nearly 200 employees across multiple locations and departments, cooperating and looking out for one another.
An award of this magnitude called for a special celebration – steaks for everyone!
Our management team spent all morning grilling ribeye steaks for all of our hardworking waterfront employees to thank them for their commitment to the preserving the health and safety of everyone doing business in our boatyard.
AEU was on site to present the award to MGBW President Todd Roberts, who addressed employees, stating, “This award isn’t about Marine Group, or about management . . . it’s about you, and you taking the time to make safety important.”
We can’t thank our employees enough for this recognition and look forward to award number three!